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The True Essence of Dao and Pottery

Ukraine is known not only for its bountiful grain but also for its talented potters. Max is one of them. Despite being in turmoil, Max's heart remains unwavering. Dao is his guiding light.Pottery is his sanctuary. As strong as his name,is his boundless and resolute heart.

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The Violent Aesthetics of Earth and Fire

In pre-Qin times, black was revered, and simplicity was beauty. Zeng's Black Sand began with this philosophy—Black clay, without a single splash of color, without a drop of glaze. After enduring over 1300℃ of intense heat, and 70-90 minutes of fiery rebirth, it emerges from the kiln, leaving the hues to the colorless air. Nature's craftsmanship holds no secrets that can be easily stolen. Only 2500 years of experience allow it to be passed down.

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The Transnational Journey of Zen and Tea

She hails from Japan, he from China. United in India by a shared faith, they became partners in life. They meditate under the sun, and practice through storms. With clay and fire, they initially sought a tranquil retreat for themselves, but inadvertently, they gathered countless joys for the world.

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Yan’s Kiln

The Timeless Fusion of Love and Beauty
Ancient legends whisper softly through time, captured eternally in the dance of butterflies. Every brushstroke, every hue, baptized by high temperatures, radiates an everlasting brilliance. Love, resilient as porcelain, Beauty, graceful as a butterfly in flight.

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